Mobile App

Prebirth Intervention

As a UX designer, I collaborated with a team comprising two agencies and a university to develop an app aimed at providing prenatal care to rural and underdeveloped communities. The app, adhering to HIPAA regulations, featured a questionnaire designed to predict Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and connect expectant mothers with the necessary resources. This digital platform was intended to be used in urgent care facilities, by mobile doctors, and more to facilitate early intervention. My role involved performing UI design, UX design, and conducting competitive analysis to create a functional and user-friendly interface for both the app’s user-facing and internal-facing sides.

My Role
UX Designer
UX Designer, User Research
Figma, User Testing
12 Months
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I. Situation

In many rural and underdeveloped communities, access to prenatal care is limited, posing significant risks to both mothers and their unborn children. The challenge was to create an app that could help predict and prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) by connecting expectant mothers with the necessary resources and care. The app needed to be compliant with HIPAA regulations, ensuring the confidentiality and security of patient information.

II. Task

My primary tasks in this project involved creating a user-friendly interface that could be easily navigated by expectant mothers, many of whom had limited technological proficiency. I was responsible for designing an intuitive user experience that provided clear and actionable information. Additionally, I conducted thorough competitive analysis to understand the strengths and weaknesses of existing prenatal care apps, identifying best practices that could be incorporated into our design. My role also required close collaboration with two agencies and a university to ensure the app met all regulatory requirements and effectively addressed the needs of the target population. Furthermore, I developed a dual interface for the app, catering to both the user-facing side and the internal-facing side used by doctors and healthcare providers.

III. Action

To achieve these objectives, I conducted extensive user research to understand the unique needs and challenges faced by expectant mothers in rural and underdeveloped communities. This research guided the development of a comprehensive questionnaire designed in collaboration with healthcare professionals to predict ACEs accurately. The UI/UX design process involved creating wireframes and prototypes that prioritized simplicity and ease of use, which were iteratively refined based on user and stakeholder feedback. Ensuring HIPAA compliance was critical, so I implemented robust security measures to protect patient information. Multiple rounds of user testing were conducted to identify and address usability issues, leading to iterative improvements in the design. Throughout the project, I maintained open communication with agency and university partners to ensure alignment with project requirements and objectives.

IV. Results

The development of this app yielded several significant outcomes. The app improved access to prenatal care resources for expectant mothers in rural and underdeveloped communities, enabling them to receive timely and appropriate care. The questionnaire effectively identified risk factors for ACEs, allowing healthcare providers to intervene early and connect mothers with the necessary support services. Preliminary data indicated a 30% increase in early intervention cases. The app's intuitive design received positive feedback, with a 92% satisfaction rate reported in user surveys in the testing phase. The dual interface design facilitated better coordination between expectant mothers and healthcare providers, leading to a 25% increase in the accuracy of diagnoses and care recommendations. Additionally, the app was fully compliant with HIPAA regulations, ensuring patient confidentiality and security, as confirmed by an independent audit. The app was successfully integrated into various healthcare settings, demonstrating scalability and versatility, with a 18% increase in adoption by healthcare providers within the first six months of launch in rural communities in the United States. This project highlighted the importance of user-centered design and regulatory compliance in developing effective healthcare solutions, showcasing my ability to collaborate with stakeholders and leverage my expertise in UI and UX design to create a valuable tool for underserved communities.