Mobile App

Jam Chat

The Jam Chat project is a social networking app designed for college students studying abroad. It helps students find chat groups and communities based on their study abroad location, catering to interests like running clubs, nightlife, food recommendations, and more. The app targets Gen Z users who prefer more organic ways of forming social connections over traditional social media or dating apps. As a UX Director, I guided the design and development process, advising stakeholders and ensuring a user-centered approach.

My Role
UX Designer
UX/UI Design
Figma, CSS
8 Months
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I. Situation

College students studying abroad often lack access to familiar social networking platforms, leading to difficulties in finding communities and making connections. Jam Chat aimed to address this gap by providing a platform specifically designed for students studying abroad. The challenge was to design an intuitive and engaging app that met the needs of Gen Z users, who are moving away from traditional social media platforms.

II. Task

The project aimed to design and develop a social networking app tailored to Gen Z students studying abroad, enabling them to find chat groups and communities based on their location and interests. To achieve this, we undertook extensive user research to gain insights into the preferences and behaviors of our target users, ensuring that the app would meet their unique needs. I led the design and development of the Jam Chat app’s user interface and user experience, guiding stakeholders on UX best practices and ensuring alignment with both user needs and business objectives. Close collaboration with the development team was essential to implement user-friendly and visually appealing designs. Throughout the process, I oversaw the front-end development to ensure that the final product adhered to high UX standards and provided an engaging experience for users.

III. Action

I led the UX design process, starting with user research to identify the key needs and pain points of Gen Z users studying abroad. We developed a user-friendly interface that allowed users to easily find and join chat groups based on their location and interests. The design process involved multiple iterations and A/B testing to ensure the app provided an engaging and intuitive user experience.

I also worked closely with the development team to ensure seamless implementation of the design, providing detailed documentation and guidelines to support the front-end development process. Throughout the project, I advised stakeholders on UX best practices and ensured the app aligned with the overall business strategy.

IV. Results

The Jam Chat app successfully met the needs of college students studying abroad, resulting in an increase in user engagement and a 8% increase in user retention. Users reported finding it easier to connect with like-minded individuals and form communities, enhancing their overall study abroad experience, and of course, ability to change the app to dark mode. The project highlighted my ability to understand the unique needs of Gen Z users and deliver innovative UX solutions that foster community building and engagement.

These results highlight the importance of a user-focused approach in developing a social networking app tailored to the unique needs of Gen Z college students studying abroad. By combining thorough user research, iterative design, and effective collaboration, we created a platform that facilitates meaningful connections and enhances the study abroad experience.